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Thursday, 18 December 2014
Feedback On Shots so far
When presenting the shots we had so far to the class, we found that many of the shots we had taken, we couldn't actually use due to them not looking how we wanted them to look. Out of around fifty takes we only used about four. Therefore we have decided that we need to change our method of production, so we are going to try filming the sequences all the way through, with Poppy preforming the entire song. Then from these takes we can use certain shots in order to implement as many takes as possible.
We also found that we will need more time than we had originally allocated ourselves. Also more times for reshoots after feedback and evaluation. From the feedback we received we found that we would also need to change either the white background to black or still use the white background however dress our artist in more darker clothing, such as black in order to make her appear more angry and frustrated, in relation to the lyrics she is preforming.
Lyric Booklet for Digi-Pak
Here is my lyric booklet, which comes as part of my Digi-pak as part of a special edition feature. It includes the lyrics to all the songs on the album. This will be placed on the right hand corner inside my digi-pak, this is a selling point as it enables the audience to interact with my artist and also learn her songs.
My lyric book is consistent with my digi-pak and I kept the black and white theme constant throughout, however I have still implemented the femininity aspect into the album with the pink typography. The over the shoulder shot of Poppy or 'Isabel Beau' I think demonstrates the nostalgic tone, as it appears as if she is looking back over her shoulder to her past. This also links in with my music video as that is about her childhood. Her facial expression furthermore makes this evident as it is quiet blank however appears as though there is sorrow and regret there. This image in particular suggests that the lyrics inside this book are meaning full to her as an artist and also tell a story, perhaps about her own life.
My lyric book is consistent with my digi-pak and I kept the black and white theme constant throughout, however I have still implemented the femininity aspect into the album with the pink typography. The over the shoulder shot of Poppy or 'Isabel Beau' I think demonstrates the nostalgic tone, as it appears as if she is looking back over her shoulder to her past. This also links in with my music video as that is about her childhood. Her facial expression furthermore makes this evident as it is quiet blank however appears as though there is sorrow and regret there. This image in particular suggests that the lyrics inside this book are meaning full to her as an artist and also tell a story, perhaps about her own life.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Organising second shoot
After the shoot we carried out yesterday, we are now organising another shoot, where our second actor will appear, Grace, who is playing a younger Isabel Beau, and furthermore also carrying out the dancing scenes due to her talent in ballet dancing. Grace is currently 11, which is the perfect age to portray the artist in our narrative, showing her from going from her childhood to her in her present years now, singing the song Battlefield in front of the white screen.
Grace will be preforming in the scenes where it shows the little girl sitting in the corner desperate for her parents to stop arguing. Furthermore she will also be preforming some ballet scenes in which we will incorporate into the fast pace and also more dramatic aspects in the song and the music video. Grace also does dancing as a hobby outside of school, therefore she will be able to either create or use a previous routine, to preform in our music video. The ballet dancing will be portrayed in dark lighting and also In a black room, this is what were going to use the drama studio for, as this will add tension and also atmosphere and furthermore a more serious tone to the music video and relating to Goodwin's theory of the lyrics and what is being acted out on the screen relating to each other.

After discussing the look of both Poppy and Grace we have found that we would be able to use both these people as Grace look similar to Poppy, therefore would portray her well at an early age.
We are looking to organise another shoot on January 6th Tuesday. In this shoot, we are looking to film all the dancing scenes using the go-pro camera, therefore we will be able to get a wide angel shot in good detail. We are also looking to get some of the narrative shots done as well. Then arrange a separate shoot in order to get the rest of Poppy's shots done when she is preforming solo.
Grace will be preforming in the scenes where it shows the little girl sitting in the corner desperate for her parents to stop arguing. Furthermore she will also be preforming some ballet scenes in which we will incorporate into the fast pace and also more dramatic aspects in the song and the music video. Grace also does dancing as a hobby outside of school, therefore she will be able to either create or use a previous routine, to preform in our music video. The ballet dancing will be portrayed in dark lighting and also In a black room, this is what were going to use the drama studio for, as this will add tension and also atmosphere and furthermore a more serious tone to the music video and relating to Goodwin's theory of the lyrics and what is being acted out on the screen relating to each other.

After discussing the look of both Poppy and Grace we have found that we would be able to use both these people as Grace look similar to Poppy, therefore would portray her well at an early age.
We are looking to organise another shoot on January 6th Tuesday. In this shoot, we are looking to film all the dancing scenes using the go-pro camera, therefore we will be able to get a wide angel shot in good detail. We are also looking to get some of the narrative shots done as well. Then arrange a separate shoot in order to get the rest of Poppy's shots done when she is preforming solo.
Shooting For Music Video
Yesterday we stayed behind after school and started shooting scenes for our music video. When shooting these, we did many re-shoots in order to adjust angles, lighting and also the performance of the artist. We mostly got shots for the chorus and for the scenes where the artist Isabel Beau is singing in front of a plain white background. When getting these shots we enabled that artist had the correct emotions and facial expressions when delivering the lines to the camera.
Since then we have converted the clips that we have got and changed them in DV. files and then incorporated these into our animatics on final cut pro. Therefore we are slowly building up our storyboard, until the final music video has been produced. Also by fitting the shots into the animatics it allows us to easy follow the story board and also what shots we have left to film. This also enables us to match certain shots up with the timings of the lyrics in the song Battlefield.
When shooting the next shoot, we have decided that this time instead of getting Poppy to sing certain elements of the song, we are going to get her to learn the lyrics to Battlefield over Christmas and then when we come to the next shoot, we are going to film her preforming the whole song, numerous times from many different angels, in order for us to be selective of our shots and also so we can implement more cuts into our music video in order to make certain scenes more fast pace in order to match the feel and atmosphere of the frustration and anger that is present in the music video.
Since then we have converted the clips that we have got and changed them in DV. files and then incorporated these into our animatics on final cut pro. Therefore we are slowly building up our storyboard, until the final music video has been produced. Also by fitting the shots into the animatics it allows us to easy follow the story board and also what shots we have left to film. This also enables us to match certain shots up with the timings of the lyrics in the song Battlefield.
When shooting the next shoot, we have decided that this time instead of getting Poppy to sing certain elements of the song, we are going to get her to learn the lyrics to Battlefield over Christmas and then when we come to the next shoot, we are going to film her preforming the whole song, numerous times from many different angels, in order for us to be selective of our shots and also so we can implement more cuts into our music video in order to make certain scenes more fast pace in order to match the feel and atmosphere of the frustration and anger that is present in the music video.
Monday, 15 December 2014
Changes To My Digi- Pak and Poster
From the feedback I previously received I have made some alterations to my digi-pak, i.e. I have added the social networking logos and also the networking information, Also I have swapped the images in the top right hand corner and the front cover as the new image appears to promote my artist better and also is more striking. In addition on the poster I have also changed the image on the right hand side to a duplicate on the left hand side, this again after the feedback I received.

Feedback of Digi-pak

From the feedback I received on my Digi-pak and Poster I found that i need to change the front cover of my Digi-pak in order to make my artist stand out more and its also a more powerful image. Furthermore I have found that on my poster by deleting the image on the left and replacing it with a duplicate of the image on the right, this will also make my poster appear to be a better quality.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Since doing our original story board, we have recently re-drawn out the images, making them more detailed and also easier for us to understand. We have been more precise in these drawings my adding the lyrics of when the shots have to appear and also timings that relate into the song, so we know when these certain shots need to appear.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Isabel Beau Poster
After looking at my poster I decided that there was a few aspects that I needed to change for example I wanted to incorporate again the colour scheme pink into my poster as after looking into my research I found that this colour would catch the attention of my target audience, furthermore I wanted it to be consistent throughout my promotion brand i.e. the digi-pak and the poster. however I wanted the artist to represented on the poster in a different way from on the Digi-pak, therefore I moved my idea of the artist shadowing herself onto the poster instead of being visible on the digi-pak again giving the audience the idea that the CD is going to be about her past and self-reflection. However I have kept the information as to the name of artist and CD and also when the CD is going to be released.
Isabel Beau Digi-pak

This is what my digi-pak looks like once the CD has been removed. Again I have kept the idea with the flower and the idea of nature consistent throughout.
Isabel Beau Promotion Poster

Monday, 8 December 2014
Artist Promotion Posters

Final Group Pitch
After the feedback we received from our first group pitch, we then went back and redid the pitch adding the animatics and more of a clear view of what we want our final music video to look like and the artist we want to create. We feel we have covered all the possible questions that the audience wanted to know, however the animatics are not yet finished therefore we will complete these.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Creating my Digi-Pak
Today I have been redesigning my Final Digi-pak, manipulating the images on photoshop creating different effects and merging the images together to create a new one. I have added the title of the album and also the artist to both the front cover and the CD disc inside. In addition to this i have also created a back cover and listed the names of the songs on the CD on there also. I have kept with the black and white colour theme, which again links in with the music video we are creating, however I have added a splash of pink into the Digi-pak to present the felinity and youthfulness of my artist and also I have incorporated it into my Digi-pak due to research I previously found on the colour pink and how it would help to make the CD more appealing to my target audience.
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