After a shoot we did yesterday and looking back over some of the shots we got and we have decided that we may possibly have to re-cast as Poppy who we are currently working with, is not working with the way we want our artist in the music video to look. We are currently doing some test shots of a possible candidate, and so far some of the shots we have got her facial expressions work well with the lyrics. Furthermore Poppy was unable to learn the lyrics, therefore when it come to shooting her scenes, we were having to film in stages so it didn't flow.
Me, Laxmi, Megan and Aaron went to Megan's house in order to shoot the scene of the parents arguing and also the scene where Grace gets into the car and the inside the car for the duration of the car journey home. In order to shoot this sequence we used a DSLR camera however the memory on the camera ran out towards filming the end scenes, therefore we decided to experiment filming the inside the car scenes with a iPhone 5s and from reviewing all the footage we got yesterday, it looks really good and usable in our music video.
We have arranged to shoot on Tuesday 3rd Feb, where we are going to re-shoot the narrative and also the car scenes, we again are using Grace and her parents in order to shoot the parents arguing in the car, which relates to the narrative. After reviewing some of the edited footage we have found that we have got some really good shots, from the filming of Grace preforming the ballet routine and have managed to create some really good footage. We have also converted this footage into black and white in order to fit in with out initial plan and story board.