The Hypodermic Needle Model
There is a theory that suggests that people
are controlled by their biologically based instincts and that they react more
or less uniformly to whatever stimuli comes along. The Hypodermic theory
otherwise known as the magic bullet theory assumes that the medias message is a
bullet fired from the “media gun” into the viewers head.
It suggests that the message is then
injected into the passive audiences head who consume it and then are
immediately affected by the message, which has an influence on their behavior
and social skills. It is believed that the public is unable to escape from the
medias influence. The theory suggests that he audience vulnerable to the
messages being shot at them. This theory
was discovered in the 1920’s.
Uses and Graphications Model
This is an understanding of how and
why people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. It is
believed to be how the audience takes specific parts of a media text with on a
film to help them create an understanding of a certain issue. The model forces
the question “What do media do to people?” and also “What do people do with
media”. It is believed that grafication is also used as an escapism tool, for
the audience to escape from their everyday life. This theory was created in the 1960’s. this
theory has been expanded due to Blulmer and Katz suggesting that audiences
choose media texts for the following purposes, such as Diversion which is when
they can escape problems from their everyday lives, Personal relationships using the media
for emotional and other interaction, e.g.) substituting soap operas for family
Personal Identity - finding yourself reflected in texts,
learning behavior and values from texts
Surveillance - Information which could be useful for living e.g.)
weather reports, financial news, holiday bargains.
Reception Theory
This theory suggests that they way in which
different individuals consumed media texts was affected by their gender, class,
age and ethnicity. This study was founded in 1980’s and furthermore in the
1990’s. This theory is based on Stuart Hall’s encoding and/decoding model of
the relationship between text and audience. Which suggests that the text is
encoded by the producer and decoded by the reader, however there may be
different readings between the message the producers was aiming to produce and
the message which the audience infer from the media text. Moreover by
recognizing the codes and conventions the producers can position the audience
and create a certain amount of agreement on what the codes means, this is known
as preferred reading.
Two-Step Flow
Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet analysed the
voters' decision-making processes during a 1940 presidential election campaign
and published their results in a paper called The People's Choice. Their
findings suggested that the information does not flow directly from the text
into the minds of its audience unmediated but is filtered through "opinion
leaders" who then communicate it to their less active associates, over
whom they have influence. From this the audience then mediate the information
received directly form the media texts with the ideas and thoughts expresses.
Therefore they are not being influenced by a direct process, but by a two-step
flow. This breaks down the power of the media in the eyes of the researcher and
causes them to conclude that social factors may also be affecting the audience’s
behavior. Moreover suggests that the media texts only influences part of the
audiences behavior and social skills, but a great deal of the audiences
behavior is affected by their social surroundings and societies views., this
could be argued however that society have gained these views from the media
texts they have perceived.
This refers to the tasks undertaken before production begins.
For a small video company this may mean everything that happens before shooting
begins e.g. meeting with the client, research, storyboard, location planning
etc. For a larger production company this may mean things such as financing,
screen play, casting and major staffing, location scouting, prop and wardrobe
identification and preparation, special effects identification and preparation,
production schedule, set construction, script locking, script read through with
cast, director and other interested people.
In film
and video, production refers to the part of the process in which footage
is recorded. This is what most people imagine when they think of a film being
made — actors on sets, cameras rolling, etc. The production phase is also known
as principal photography. In larger productions this is the point where
it is financially impossible to stop the production this is know as the “point
of no return”
Post production
are many things which can happen in post-production. Common tasks include:
Editing video footage
Editing the soundtrack, adding sound effects, music, etc.
Adding titles and graphics
Colour and exposure correction
Adding special effects
Re-shooting certain scenes if required ("pick-up" shots)