I also selected colours which I think would best represent our artist which was a colour pallet consisting of pinks and whites. As these colours both have connotations to feminity and purity however in contrast with these colours I have chosen to make the colour of the CD in the digi-pack black as this I feel could suggest that beneath it all my artist has a very deep, serious side to her, this in relation to her family background of her dad leaving and having a unhappy childhood. Suggesting that the songs on album have a serious but also somber tone to them, maybe meaning there ballads, however it could be argues that by the CD being black it could be presenting that my artists dark and more daring side has come out in this album. As the colour black hints at a sense of mystery, this could mean that it is pulling her audience into listen to the CD and buy it as the songs on the digi-pack are unknown to them.

When constructing the mood board we placed these images on the sugar paper in order to express our artist profile, I.e. Her fashion, make-up, clothing and also we wanted to incorporate elements of the digi-pack on there, therefore I used a floral background that is identical to the one being used on the digi-pack and also images of ballet dancers as this is in relation to the music video we are going to create. Also adds to the artist background of ballet being her form of escapism from her unhappy life at home.

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