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Thursday, 20 November 2014

Research Into the Colour Pink

I did some research into studies on the colour pink for my digi-pak and found out that girls normally attract a like to the colour pink from a very early age of just two. Therefore by using this colour in particular on my digi-pak and also on my blog, I am attracting young girls and girls in general to view my artist and perhaps even take an interest into the CD as this colour just on its own has enticed them in. 

Vanessa LoBue, from Rutgers University, and Judy DeLoache, of the University of Virginia, conclude: “The current findings demonstrate that young girls do indeed have a special affinity for the colour pink that appears sometime in the second half of the second year.
“This research lends important information to when children develop gender-stereotyped colour preferences and has important implications for how they develop as well.”

From the age of birth boys and girls are straight away differentiated by the colour pink and blue, therefore girls commonly grow up surrounded by the colour pink i.e. the pink bedroom, pink clothes, toys and even the media present young girls programs in pink, franchises and brands such as 'Barbie' which have a huge impact on young girls from an early age and then they grow up around this and are consumed in it by media platforms and society, therefore girls instantly like the colour pink. I know from speaking on my own behalf that even at 17 my favourite colour is still pink and if it came to picking an object from a selection of colour I would always go for the object that was pink, that there is a clear element which draws girls in particular to pink objects. Therefore by the typography and also the CD disc in my digi-pak pink this will attract to girl and also mainly towards the girls based in my target audience. 

In this article below to summarise, researchers did an experiment to see the favourite colour and although the results found that even though the favourite colour overall was in fact blue, the women in the experiment always chose redder shades of blue than the males. Furthermore they also found that the colour Red is also more popular in Britain. Scientist believe this is because whilst males in prehistoric times used to be the hunters and go out and gather food the women used to stay behind a produce it i.e. commonly being around ingredients such as red berries, therefore they believed this stemmed a like to the colour red and also its sister colour, pink. 

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