Katy Perry California Girls Music Video Analysis
In the music video Katy Perry uses feminine colours such as pinks and lilacs, to perhaps present her feminine side and also a softer side to her personality. The theme of the music video being sweets may suggests the idea of 'fantasy' to the audience. Maybe even relating to the tale of 'Hansel and Gretel' where temptation leads them to danger. The facial expressions Katy Perry portrays through out the music video again adds to this idea as it creates the sense of wonder and adventure.
furthermore backed-up by the sexual poses and suggestive dance routine throughout. In the music video Katy Perry is dressed in very short clothing making her look very provocative towards a male audience, therefore relating to Mulvey's theory 'The Male Gaze' stating that women are only there to be looked at. This is also backed up by the lyrics sung by snoop dog "kiss her touch her squeeze her" presenting her as an object to be played with and enjoyed.
Phallic symbols occur through out the music video, one example of this is the Ice-cream cones and the long snakes body in which Katy climbs up.This i feel is relating to the idea that men are dominant, this is furthermore made evident by snoop-dog rolling the dices almost as if he is controlling Katy's pathway.

When katy is climbing up the snakes body in the background there is a Hollywood sign this i feel is in relation to how Katy had to climb her way to the top, in a very male dominated industry. Again the idea of voyeurism is also amplified by the shot of Katy laying naked on a cloud, the idea of the cloud being the bed and katy perry could be presented as some sort of angelic like figure.
The idea that Katy is being dominated by snoop dog furthermore is suggested through the camera angles. Snoop dog is always presented as looking down on the game board, in which Katy is trapped inside, this is represented by a high angle shot, also using a wide establishing shot katy is presented as being small in comparison to her surroundings, this could be creating the impression that the artist feels she is out of her comfort zone or depth in her new found fame.
The gingerbread man in the music video is also presented as being a phallic symbol in which Katy manipulates to get her own way and then the roles change to her being the dominant one. This could be suggesting Katy manipulated her way to the top.
Later on in the music video Katy's hair changes to become a dark blue and then later on becoming a dark black, this could be used as a representation of how she is becoming stronger and also more equal to men. Also presenting how she is loosing her innocence and naivety this is most poignantly shown at the end of the music video where katy uses some cream canisters as phallic symbols and destroys all the gummy bears and male oppositions standing in her way.
At the end of the music video there is a stand off between the females and the males, in contrast with the stereo-type the females come out on top. Katy is also shown as being more powerful in the music video when the colour of the sky changes to a dark omniscient atmosphere.
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