Record companies are media institutions and they are commercial organisations, which exists to make money.
Purpose of record companies:
- Talent scouts and development of new artists
- manage bands and artists
- production, manufacture, distribution of records
- marketing and promotion ( music video )
- copyright protection
There are three major record labels which are:
- Sony BMG
- Universal
- Warner music group
From these are minor record labels with exists within the main four listed above.
Commodity Status- Value of a person based on the way they look. This relates in with Adorno and Horkeimer's theory of 'Culture Industry' which consists of standardization, pseudo (individuality) and capitalism.
Hegemony- This is what we socially accept as the normal every day to day way.
However the cultural Idea changes. It is stated that the media has created an almost like 'Assembly Line' in which the character of the person is almost like a factory line where the product is re-created into a mass culture. The routine is produced the same.

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