It suggests that genre goes In circles
Experimental ---> post modern---> cannon (perfect example of what is normal)
The minor record labels represent the experimental stage as they have more creative freedom, whereas the mainstream industry represents the cannon, as they are influenced by previous films,music videos and TV programs etc. This is known as intertextuality. This cycle then continues. Due to the major record labels using intertextuality in their music videos, this then leads the minor record labels to experiment and come up with something new, therefore the cycle repeats itself.
With our artist that we are creating we fell she would fit into the cannon sector as she is part of a major record label and therefore has less creative freedom, she is also apart of a major record label as she is a pop star therefore they usually conform to a major record label.
Jacques Derrida
"Perhaps the worlds most famous philosopher - if not the only philosopher" - Dinita Smith
Jacques Derrida a French philosopher work on deconstruction has been published in over 400 books, furthermore he has also been cited more than 14,000 times for in his literary criticisms and philosophy in the last 17 years. His work is based around the deconstruction on post modernism of how we as an audience act and understand ourselves.
If the experimental stage of genre attempts to establish trends and the cannon stage works within those trends to fix them into our cultural understanding then postmodernism looks at these trends humours them and then adds something new to them.
Thereby creating a new experimental stage.
It could be argued that music video is post modernism stage of evolution of cinema.
Short silent films----> full length dialogue films---> music videos
Postmodernism creates the 'new' by refreshing the old one example of this that has historically been altered and used for different purposes of propaganda is the famous Uncle Sam poster originally used to recruit during world war 2.

Postmodernism also invents by copying it can be humorous or terrifying and can also be created by jut about everyone, therefore it becomes democratic. Using intertextually as a way of adapting something into post modernism.
There are different types of post modernism n which are
Homage- imitation of the highest form of flattery
Pastiche- use of imagery of one text to produce a comment about another.
Parody- taking the Mick out of a former piece of work.
Postmodernism is a shortcut to mass audiences as the old is being recycled.
Some examples of where post modernism has been used in music videos is Destiny's Child Girl this is internalising the film sex and the city and also in Katy Perry ET which is a post modernism version of the film Wallie.
Intertexulaity creates post-modernism. Some examples of this are from previous music videos such as madonnas music video for Material Girls, which is influenced by Marilyn Monroe.
Furthermore more music videos which are also intertextual Chris Browns Fine China where he payed tribute to Michael Jackson on his on stage tour, the miss-en-scene was the same as Michael Jackson music video Thriller.
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